Photo from I Am Human
Transitions Film Festival is returning to Melbourne, with a program that promises to spark some interesting conversations.
From rising sea levels, to cyborgs, to magic mushrooms; from Africa's Great Green Wall to an Antarctic marine sanctuary – Transitions has curated a selection of groundbreaking documentaries about the social and technological innovations, revolutionary ideas and trailblazing changemakers that are leading the way to a better world.
To celebrate, we have two double passes to give away! The first is to the to the Australian premiere of I am Human, screening March 1 at 4:30pm.
Following the courageous journeys of the world’s first 'cyborgs' – a quadriplegic, a blind man and a woman with Parkinson’s, I Am Human covers the ways science is cracking the mysteries of the brain and using them to solve huge problems in people’s lives.
Our second double pass is to After Tomorrow, screening February 26 at 7:00pm.
After Tomorrow is a follow up documentary to the French smash hit Tomorrow (Demain), a film which sparked a global movement of changemakers by showcasing positive solutions to our environmental challenges. This follow up installment now asks: What worked, what didn’t, and what do we do now?
For your chance to win, enter the code IAMMATTERS (for I Am Human), and AFTERMATTERS (for After Tomorrow).